Introducing Rolling Stock Solutions, a first-of-its-kind American transit solution providing commuter rail agencies like-new locomotives on flexible lease terms.
Like-new F40PH models have a 20+ year service life, providing immediate service and reliability improvements.
Experience an immediate 40% reduction in NOx emissions, similar reductions in hydrocarbon emissions and PM10 emissions, combined with improved fuel efficiency.
*Tier 0+ compared to Non-Tiered locomotives.
Lease the power you need today using our innovation approach and Buy America compliant units.
Choose the duration and number of units you need to meet your unique fleet needs.
Commuter rail agencies can now replace aging fleets with proven-model locomotives, completely remanufactured under standard industry specifications.
Like-new F40PH models integrate seamlessly into operations of most fleets and deliver cleaner, quieter, more reliable service to your passengers.
The founding Rolling Stock Solutions team has over 40 years of experience in the transit industry from executive level leadership, operations and finance.
Leaders of this innovative solution have extensive experience and deep technical expertise in the commuter rail industry.